As our Alpha season draws to an end, here's a final gift: a rundown of our most amusing bloopers, proving that even wiki admins can get their tongue in a twist sometimes.
We hope you've enjoyed the alpha series as much as we've enjoyed putting this together for you.
Be sure to visit the wiki where over 130 articles have had updates and look out for further lore videos going forward as we partner with Raina Audron to bring you more LoK content.
Until then - "Long Live Kain"
Raina Audron has uploaded the third and final part of her Alpha soundtrack to YouTube, covering the prototype versions of the tracks.
Individual track listings are in the video description.
Full Soundtrack can be found here:
Part Two of Raina Audron’s alpha soundtrack version has been uploaded to YouTube, covering the tracks from the Pillars to Turel’s territory.
Individual track listings are in the video description.
Full Soundtrack can be found here:
Raina Audron has begun to upload to YouTube her new alpha version of the Soul Reaver soundtrack - rearranged from the alpha and featuring six new tracks.
Part 1/3 can be found here, covering the tracks from the Underworld to the first Kain encounter. Individual track listings are in the video description.
Full Soundtrack can be found here:
A little extra discovery for today. Kevin Chatmajo has exposed that like Blood Omen, the alpha versions of Soul Reaver actually have a day/night cycle. You can see it in action here: