Sunday, 30 June 2019

From the Pit: Kain laments from the throne

Legacy of Kain legend Patrick ‘The Hylden’ Johnson is back with more epic Kain themed awesomeness. This time he’s created a whole cutscene to run on his brilliant updated models. Simply breathtaking.

This post originally appeared here

Sunday, 23 June 2019

From the Pit: Baziel's Games of the Year 2016

This post originally appeared here.

Okay so 2016 was not a good year by any stretch of the imagination, and with so much destruction ongoing it’s not looking great for 2017 at the moment either, but here’s hoping it’s picks up.

On the brighter side of things, here’s some of the games I played and loved the s**t out of in 2016 and my personal recommendation for best game:

*Batman: Arkham Knight
*Rise of the Tomb Raider (+20 year anniversary content)
*‘Nosgoth’ and the Legacy of Kain series
*The Vanishing of Ethan Carter Redux
*Lego Star Wars: The complete saga
*Sleeping Dogs
*The Evil Within
*Knight Squad
*Lara Croft Go
*Hitman Go
*Pokèmon Go (good to see AR finally took off)
*Grand Theft Auto V
*Lego Marvel Avengers
*Mass Effect Trilogy
*Superhot (“the most innovative shooter I’ve played in years”)
*Just Cause 3
*Assassin’s Creed Series (upto Brotherhood)
*Resident Evil 7 Teaser

Some strong contenders, but my personal game of the year (or game I played this year) is….
Seriously, i dont wanna spoil it or even know how to describe it - indie game? Sort of but not really. Survival horror? Sort of but not really. Action packed? Yes and No. Like Bioshock or Amnesia? Er kinda but also completely different.
What it is though is drenched in a brilliant atmosphere and a compelling story that sucked me in like nothing since Soul Reaver 1… and it leaves with a mind blowing existential crisis, that makes you question the very nature of reality and humanity. A brilliant little masterpiece from Frictional Games. Get it.

Sunday, 16 June 2019

From the Pit: Comic Con May 2017

Some more LoK cosplay from myself and Raina Audron at the London Comic Con in May this year.

This post originally appeared here

Sunday, 9 June 2019

From the Pit: MCM London Comic Con October 2016

Might have gone to comic-con in costume. Okay my Vorador wasn’t the best - and barely anyone recognised it - but Raina’s Raziel killed it and was very popular

This post originally appeared here

Sunday, 2 June 2019

From the Pit: LoK Proposal

This post originally appeared here

So I finally properly proposed to my girlfriend on a snowy hillside 
Since we’re both big LoK fans an LoK theme seemed appropriate.

If you’re interested the ring is an Ouroboros ring with ruby eyes from ‘ZpArt’ on Etsy, based on the Ouroboros imagery used throughout SR2 and Defiance.

The box I ended up using yesterday (top pics) is a photo ring box by ‘AmeliaQualters’ on Etsy which was customized using the SR2 pillars platform texture as a photo. (For some reason I can’t find the custom listings for the circular boxes anymore, but I’m sure they’re still possible… and obviously check any rights issue etc if you’re going to use images you don’t own)

The bottom pics are from my first attempt last year that kind of fell through and went wrong due to me cocking it up… at least the box looked good though. That box was a customized wedding ring box by ‘PrecisionEngraving’ on Etsy which had a Reaver engraved on top to resemble the Reaver box used by Janos in SR2 and additional quotes from the series added in the Soul Reaver font for extra romantic flair (honestly so difficult to find romantic sounding quotes from the series that don’t come off as creepy).  The Reaver I used there was actually from the BBI Kain figure.

Oh and she said yes, so she’s now my fiancee :D